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     Noboru's Apartment

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    Noboru's Apartment Empty
    PostSubject: Noboru's Apartment   Noboru's Apartment EmptySun Apr 03, 2011 11:33 pm

    A small 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, kitchen and living room apartment. Noboru doesn't entertain a lot so there is a small table in the kitchen for meals. The living room is quite large for the price he pays for the apartment, (he did the landlord a favor...) with a small tv, a recliner and a love seat. Around his living room there are paintings of the dreams he has at night, consisting of a painting of a snowy field with red and green roses in the middle, valkyries riding to the north, and paintings of a faceless woman posing half nude. In his room, there is a desk for school and work, a mini-fridge for his tasties, and his queen sized bed, (for Noboru likes the roominess and at the same time despises it, which is why he also has a hammock in the living room to sleep in when he tires of the empty bed.) The extra room is a guest room which is kept neatly with the bed made and sheets pressed for a traveling soul who might need him.
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    Adalwulf Waldheri
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    Noboru's Apartment Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Noboru's Apartment   Noboru's Apartment EmptyTue Apr 05, 2011 5:19 pm

    :Noboru Enters:
    "What a day! Oh well time to unwind." *Takes off his shirt and removes his trousers and pops in his favorite mix CD he made featuring mostly Pavorotti and grabbed a soda from the fridge and descended into his hammock to take a small, but well-needed nap*
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    Adalwulf Waldheri
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    Noboru's Apartment Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Noboru's Apartment   Noboru's Apartment EmptyThu Apr 07, 2011 10:33 pm

    :Noboru Enters:

    "Not much time till work...I'll just make a sanwich."
    Noboru, a master at quick stripping, got out of clothes and into his tuxedo for work

    :Noboru leaves to work... leaving a sandwich lonely on the counter:
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    Adalwulf Waldheri
    Adalwulf Waldheri
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    Noboru's Apartment Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Noboru's Apartment   Noboru's Apartment EmptyTue Apr 26, 2011 9:35 pm

    :Enter Noboru:
    "Make yourself at home Phearis. How about a drink? Soda? Water? Tea? Milk? Pick your poison... not literally of course."
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    Chaest Skadi
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    Noboru's Apartment Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Noboru's Apartment   Noboru's Apartment EmptyTue Apr 26, 2011 9:39 pm

    *Appears in a whiff of flame* no thank you, im quite satisfied at the moment. *Phearis' hair shimmers with his flame, as his eyes darken* this business u wished to discuss.....
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    Adalwulf Waldheri
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    Noboru's Apartment Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Noboru's Apartment   Noboru's Apartment EmptyTue Apr 26, 2011 9:42 pm

    "I see. Ok then. I called you here to ask something of yourself. Nothing harmful at all, just something I need for my business."

    -Noboru stands and walks to the fridge and grabs a Coke and walks back while gasping it all down-
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    Chaest Skadi
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    Noboru's Apartment Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Noboru's Apartment   Noboru's Apartment EmptyTue Apr 26, 2011 9:44 pm

    please noboru-kun...lets not beat around the bush...what is this request of yours? *Phearis tilts his head to the side slightly*
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    Adalwulf Waldheri
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    Noboru's Apartment Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Noboru's Apartment   Noboru's Apartment EmptyTue Apr 26, 2011 9:47 pm

    *Seeing as Phearis begins to feel agitated Noboru gets the feeling to hurry this up that Phearis has things to do elsewhere-
    "We'd like some of your Flame, Pheais, that is all I ask."
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    Chaest Skadi
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    Noboru's Apartment Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Noboru's Apartment   Noboru's Apartment EmptyTue Apr 26, 2011 9:52 pm

    *Phearis arches an eyebrow as he chuckles* hmm...this flame's powers our ones that i cant pass upon so easily...besides im not sure u fully understand the implications of my Ito...
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    Adalwulf Waldheri
    Adalwulf Waldheri
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    Noboru's Apartment Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Noboru's Apartment   Noboru's Apartment EmptyTue Apr 26, 2011 9:58 pm

    "We're aware of those factors. Once along time ago, back when the beasts of legend were still walking, I was a blacksmith. Not just any ordinary blacksmith, but a blacksmith for gods. When I was learning, my master gave me this advice, "If you want the best weapons then there are only two kinds of fire to use: Dragon or Phoenix." To this day I remember that. So what I'm asking is for a piece of you to put into my hearth to make the greatest weapons ever conceived."
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    Chaest Skadi
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    Noboru's Apartment Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Noboru's Apartment   Noboru's Apartment EmptyTue Apr 26, 2011 10:18 pm

    *phearis chuckles* i believe u mistake my powers for something else...the Ito Tamashi o Nagareru...isnt a Phoenix nor a Dragon flame...yes my species have been known for their fiery ability...if that were the case i could easily lend you a flame...but as it is i am the only one in the world with this flame...if you wish to use it for forgery im afraid ull find your metal unforgable...hmm altho i suppose enlightenment is needed...have u ever heard of the Otherwold Flames?
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    Adalwulf Waldheri
    Adalwulf Waldheri
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    Noboru's Apartment Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Noboru's Apartment   Noboru's Apartment EmptyWed Apr 27, 2011 5:04 pm

    "... Go on sir"
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    Chaest Skadi
    Chaest Skadi
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    Noboru's Apartment Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Noboru's Apartment   Noboru's Apartment EmptyWed Apr 27, 2011 5:46 pm

    Long ago, perhaps when everything was created, there existed 1 flame. The flame of creation. The user of the flame however, a god, perhaps-if those sort of beings even exist in that sense-forsaw great distress if his flame were to get passed onto an unworthy successor. Upon his death bed he split his flame into 3 special flames. The flame of Body, of Mind, and of Soul. All of which are still in use today by powerful individuals...However what the "god" hadn't anticipated was his split creating by products. Flames that embodied various concepts of thought and power. And so the Otherworld Flames were born.

    the flame you see in use is not a flame of physical use, it burns the intent of all things sentient- the Ito Tamashi o Nagareru
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    Adalwulf Waldheri
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    Noboru's Apartment Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Noboru's Apartment   Noboru's Apartment EmptyWed Apr 27, 2011 6:21 pm

    "... I see. Thank you for your time. And before you leave I have a personal question to ask: Do you play Chess?"
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    Chaest Skadi
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    Noboru's Apartment Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Noboru's Apartment   Noboru's Apartment EmptyWed Apr 27, 2011 8:16 pm

    I'm sorry i could not be of service....and chess...hmm i dable...would you like to play over tea sometime?
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    Adalwulf Waldheri
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    Noboru's Apartment Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Noboru's Apartment   Noboru's Apartment EmptyWed Apr 27, 2011 10:38 pm

    "That would be quite Blissful. Well I'm going to take a nap before looking for our classmates. You may let yourself out whenever you like."
    -Noboru walks over to his hammock and almost as soon as he hits it he enters "hibernation-
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    Chaest Skadi
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    Noboru's Apartment Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Noboru's Apartment   Noboru's Apartment EmptyThu Apr 28, 2011 8:56 pm

    o? seems im a tad bit late....*he disappears*

    ::Exiting Noboru's Apartment:: ::Entering Teravore Cottage::
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    Adalwulf Waldheri
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    Noboru's Apartment Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Noboru's Apartment   Noboru's Apartment EmptyMon May 09, 2011 9:18 pm

    :Enter Noboru and Amaterasu:

    "Woooow... you're doing well chuu~"
    "I try haha."
    "... So... do you have a... bed? Or are you still using that old hammock chuu~?"
    "Yes ma'am I do... and don't hate on the hammock."
    "Hee hee hee... no on the Contrary we have many... fond moments in that hammock Chuu~"
    "That we do."
    "Let's make some new memories now chuu~ Go lie down, I have to... freshen up chuu~"
    "... Ok."

    -As Noboru laid on his bed for the first time in months, with his heart pounding madly out of control Noboru waits for his long-time love-
    "Noboru, I can hear your heart out here, calm down I'm not going to bite... but I might suck.. tee hee chuu~"
    "How do you like my outfit? I picked it up in Okinawa on the way here chuu~?"
    -Noboru's mouth drops as he's left speechless-
    "Hee hee thats what I thought chuu~"

    [img]Noboru's Apartment Christ13[/img]
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    Adalwulf Waldheri
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    Noboru's Apartment Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Noboru's Apartment   Noboru's Apartment EmptyFri May 13, 2011 3:44 pm

    -The Morning comes through the windows into Noboru's very... messy bedroom-

    "Ahhhhh, good morning Nobu-kun chuu~ Sleep well?"
    ".... You kept me up for a night, a day, another night, and now you ask me have I slept well?!"
    "Hee hee hee chuu~ I take that as a yess."
    "... -sigh- Oh well. Come back down I'll make some breakfast."
    "No. It's been so long since I've made you food chuu~ I want to enjoy it, kinda like the last 2 days chuu~ hee hee"
    "Hahaha ok then. I'll take a nap till it's ready."
    ":3 chuu~"

    [img]Noboru's Apartment Christ14[/img]
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    Adalwulf Waldheri
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    Noboru's Apartment Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Noboru's Apartment   Noboru's Apartment EmptySun Jun 05, 2011 9:45 pm

    *Hey Noboru!
    "Well Hajime it's been awhile"
    *Yes it has. 4 days! give it a rest and put your other monster away!
    "Well can you blame us? It's been years since we've been together."
    *We know. But you need some air, go to the hospital and pick up some blood packs so Amaterasu will give you enough room to breathe.
    "Ok fine. Ama-san! I have to go out for.... uh... Groceries! Yup groceries, so I'll be right back."
    "Sigh Chuu~ Okies. Your fridge was empty anyway. Have fun dear don't make me come get you again chuu~ I won't be as nice this time Wink "
    -Gulp- "Ok see you soon"

    :Exit Noboru: Enter Tenshi Hospital:
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    Noboru's Apartment Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Noboru's Apartment   Noboru's Apartment EmptyTue Dec 13, 2011 2:32 am

    You receive a letter inviting you to the Colosseum in the city.
    There was additional information.
    Handwritten below:

    A purpose.
    Everyone serves one, but as I sit here.
    Going through the student files...
    I find a pile of misfits who never really did have a purpose...
    This pile consists of only one...and it's you.
    And you still don't have a purpose!
    Tell me Kid, what would you be without the souls inside of you?
    Even with so many still feel empty...don't you...?
    See, even with so many souls, you still don't seem to equal anything...
    But hey, powers such as yours can provide to be useful...
    Especially when World Conquest is something to be attained...
    So come....
    I invite you, to for once, maybe...
    Amount to something.
    If not now; never.

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    Adalwulf Waldheri
    Adalwulf Waldheri
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    Noboru's Apartment Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Noboru's Apartment   Noboru's Apartment EmptyTue Dec 13, 2011 3:12 pm

    -Noboru awakes unable to remember how he made it home and notices the letter adressed to him upon the floor underneath his hammock-
    "Hmm, looks like mail." (reading) "...."
    *What does it say?*
    "... It says I'm useless without you two... That I have no purpose... world conquest?"
    *Ahhh~ Those were the days. It's so much fun actually Noboru maybe you should--
    "No! I may not have purpose, but I do have virtue! I may be an animal but aren't we all in one way or another. The way we are now, a melting pot of the most vile things imaginable, is all I know. But I accept this challenge! Let's crash a party or die trying."
    *Let's Do it!
    "Hmm?" -Noboru looks down next to his closet and sees an old set of armor with the same design as the talisman Amaterasu gave him so long ago next to a vile filled with the thick red liquid with a note-
    *I'm sorry but it's my turn to leave without notice or an explanation. I had to go back to my tribe since one of the councilmen has fallen il. This was so much fun. I'm going to miss you, hopefully this isn't good bye. Here is a poster to remember me bye though Wink So tata lover boy~ Don't get killed! ... Chuu~*
    "... My my..." -Noboru looks at the poster, it was almost the same size as the one he already had hanging up, and opened it- Hahaha! wow... I didn't know she could split like that. I'll be sure to put it up later. (And to put it away when I have company.)
    -After putting on the suit and placing the vile someplace safe, Noboru reads the side note that was hidden underneath the brestplate where it explains it use and purpose- "Bles that vixen. With this victory is assured."
    --exit towards the colloseum--
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